Today i went to Northshire Abbey to look at some books I heard were supposed to be there. I needed some information on gnomish engineering and the processes of light emulsion. I am still working on that Snapsalbum and report from the Charity Gala, but I got sooo many pictures and the lighting on some of the snaptures are still not quite satisfactory. But... you know who I ran into today in the Abbey? Sir Hellgar Cadohan! Hm, maybe you don't know him? But he took care of Jelly when she was so terribly sick. He was in the abbey to... get married to a girl! Isn't that wonderful? They wanted to have a small ceremony with nobody there, but they asked me to be their witness. So sweet! Of course I had the pocketsnaps with me so I could actually take some snaptures and be their witness at the same time. I told them it was quite dark in the abbey so they decided to find a nicer spot. We went outside, the three ofus, near the lake and there they said their vows... or something that looked like it. They were really sweet, but the girl, she.. well she was a bit of a tomboy, she asked if she should put her helmet on for the ceremony. And they both had their weapons still at their backs! That must have been heavy.
Anyways Sir Cadohan said something like: "I, lord Hellgar Cadohan, swear to you, lady Alexandrina Courlier, to stay true and honour you for as long as we are both connected to each other." He looked really happy. Then miss Courlier also tried to say some words but she seemed a bit nervous and lost all of a sudden. But she managed to say some lovely words and ended it with:"And.. uh.. stay true to our love until the world.. clashes together." And then the ceremony was done, well not until after the kiss of course. The newly Mrs Cadohan seemed very eager to get that kiss, as she grabbed the blushing paladin of the Light by his waist with the words:"No goofy kiss now.." I discreetly took some steps back, but not without taking some snaps of course. After a long kiss and Sir Cadohan getting his posture back again we went to the Abbey once more to get their marriage blessed by one of the priests there. After some mentioning about weddingnights and such I decided to congratulate them and leave the newly weds to enjoy their own company.
Sis we should get to the Northshire Abbey more often, maybe we run into such lovely weddings more! Oh.. I totally forgot about those books I needed. I guess it's off to Northshire again! When will you be available for finishing the Charity gala report together, sis?