Freckles strokes the fluffy blanket with ducks on it and smiles brightly. She could huggle Jelinda to death for the gesture she made when giving that blanket. Freckles smiles while picking some imaginary dust and hair from the blanket. She smiles up at Duckular when he walks in. He sits himself next to her and gives her a gentle kiss on her cheek. The past weeks he was helping her getting her legs to properly work again.
After being in a coma for several weeks, she was worn out and could hardly move any parts of her body. Her legs were rather useless but they gained some strength over the last couple of weeks. Her sister was on the road somewhere, leaving her feeling kind of useless and alone in the office, every once in a while flipping several snaps she dug up from underneath the bed and going over some new inventions in her head, as she wasn’t really able to hold a pencil much less a Snap-O-Rama. Most of the time she slept however. But she was tired of staying in the office, hoping people would drop by to see how she was. Of course Kalistra and Jelinda dropped by every so often, and people sent word to her through Duck, but why didn’t they come themselves? It almost as if people where afraid to enter a house with someone disabled in some form. She sighs softly.
Freckles looks up from her pensive thoughts, a sound near the door catches her attention. A knock on the half-open door after which the voice of Kalistra is heard: “Anyone here?” Kalistra peeps in. “It’s just me! Just popped in to see how you feel today!” - she adds on a cheerful tone. The week before Kalistra had told her the disturbing rumours about Duckular being part of the Cathedral robbery. She shakes her head, thinking back, that were some ghastly rumours and she refused to believe them. Duck would never do such a thing. Never. She looks up at Kalistra who is looking at her expectantly. “Oh I am sorry, yes a bit of improvement with my legs”. She wiggles her toes at those words. “I would like to try and get out this bed tonight! I trained my legs every day for a bit… I think… I should be able to do some steps”. Duckular gives her a comforting pinch in her shoulder: “Aye, I'm sure ye'll manage it.” Kalistra adds: “Oh…this is great news....! Well… Pity that you can not take snaps and do that at the same time... it should be recorded!” Freckles has a hint of disappointment over her face for a second then smiles. She looks at both of their expectant faces. “Aye... I'm sure... one of you could... click one of the Snap-O-Rama?” She wishes her sister was there too, but maybe she can show her the pictures later.
Kalistra nods. “Anyway... I have to attend some matters... but… if you want to try now... I’ll be happy to take a snap! Be warned though: I’m a terrible photographer." Duckular and Freckles grin slightly. “I’m sure I manage to get a fine picture out of it”. Freckles smiles at Kalistra and nods towards the chair in the corner where a Snap-O-Rama can be spotted hanging over the back of the chair by a cord. “There is a little black button on the top of it and some glass thingy on the back”. Kalistra nods and picks up the camera, inspecting it closely after which she removes the cover from the lens. “You need to look through the glass thingy in the direction you want to take a snap. You should be able to see us. When you're ready you push the button and… snap!” Freckles watches Kalistra fiddling with the camera for a moment before she starts to move herself towards the end of the bed. She dangles her legs over the rim of the bed. Duckular waits until she's ready, smiling, then attempts to give her a hand standing up. Freckles looks at the height of the bed and wonders how she will ever be able to make it down: “Do you think you can lift me up a bit? It's so…high up here”. Duckular looks doubtful: “Errr... yer mean lift ye' te' t'ground? Errr... i can try?” Freckles grins slightly, which fades from her face once she looks at her arms and legs which are still very thin: “Aye.. I'm not that heavy anymore...”. Duckular ponders how to do this. “Well... as its ye'… Er, sorry if i drop ye'...”. Duckular places a hand under her leg, and another behind her back, cringing slightly, and tries to lower her gently onto her feet, off the bed. Freckles slides on to the floor, very unsteady, her arms reaching out towards his neck, to make sure she won't fall. Duckular puts his arm around her waist to help steady her. Freckles smiles with an effort. She lets go of Duckular and strokes a strand of hair away from her face and behind her ear.
Kalistra meanwhile snaps some pictures, the chronicler inside her leaps up though and she asks playfully: “So tell us Ms. Snapwiggle, how do you feel now?” Freckles looks at her while Duckular tries to keep her supported with his arm around her waist: “It's good to feel some solid ground underneath my feet, Miss O'Brandin. I wish my legs were as solid though.”
Duckular looks at the distance towards the door and smiles encouragingly at her: “Yer wanna take a few steps now then?” Freckles looks at the chair on the other side of the room: “To the chair?” Duckular nods: “Aye, tha's a good enough start...” He smiles, keeping his arm around her, waiting for her to move so he can support her in her own time. Freckles holds on to him firmly, slowly advancing forwards one step at the time. She smiles, panting a tiny bit, leaning on the bed with one hand, the other gripping Duckular by his shoulder firmly. “Yer doin' jus' great Freck...Not far now…” Freckles looks at the chair, biting her lip then gritting her teeth and steps one foot before the other with an effort, finally reaching the chair. She looks at the chair which is quite high for a gnome but grits her teeth and starts to climb on the chair with Duckular’s help. She puts her hands on the chair and works herself slowly up, leaning on her elbows. She finally seats herself on the chair, wiping away some sweat drops from her forehead. She smiles triumphantly, her eyes shining brightly, a tear running down her cheek, speaking softly: “I did it…I made it.” She looks at the both of them who are silently watching her before at the same time bursting out in a cheer. Kalistra claps excitedly: “Done!!! You did great Frecks.” Duckular kisses Freckles on the cheek quickly and grins: “Well done Frecks…”
Freckles smiles brightly, happy she managed to make it to the chair which eventually means she will be able to stroll down the city once more. This is just the beginning.
*A day ago*
Freckles is shocked by the news she hears when walking outside for the first time since months. Lord Thomas Kerengar is said to be dead. She immediately thinks of both Kalistra and Jelinda. This must be horrible news for the both of them. Especially since Jelinda was so happy with her newborn baby. How will this baby grow up without his father to guide him? He surely must become strong in the ways of the Light. Freckles shivers slightly. Death seems to be inevitable, even for the greatest and strongest among people. She knows how lucky she is she survived that Troll curse. She decides to enjoy life to the fullest again. But first... she orders a carriage to the Cathedral where a memorial will be held for Lord Kerengar. She has to be there, maybe she could make an album to honour and remember him by and offer that to those who have to overcome this great loss. Maybe... just maybe Sis has heard too and will be there as well? It would be a great opportunity to work together again since months. With a hopeful smile she steps into the carriage, over her shoulder a Snap-O-Rama. "Driver. To the Cathedral."
OOC: Thank you Duckular and Kalistra for making this event
of Freckles walking again, worthwhile. Frecks is certainly happy to be able to walk again! And
don’t worry about your ability to shoot snaps Kalistra, they turned out
wonderfully, even without the Snap Sisters fiddling with it! ;)
OOC2: To all who attended the Memorial of Thomas Kerengar. Thank you for the wonderful words and event. We have used many of your quotes and emotes to accompany the pictures and bring you the story you all created together. Thank you.
Nice to have met you today. Hope Freckles had a goodnight sleep, and the man with the shuffle went for a drink down the pub.
I'll check on you tomorrow again. Sleep well.
Posted by: Thoriwa | October 17, 2006 at 11:23 PM