Look what we've found while cleaning up our office!
A couple of weeks ago Sis was strolling around Stormwind when she heard a cry: "Theres a crocodile in the canals!" Of course curious as a gnomette can be, Sis couldn't resist having a look. And indeed it was a beast.. a Sewer Beast!
Look at it lying there peacefully. But what if it started to hurt people? As peaceful as it seemed, it also looked quite dangerous with its sharp teeth. Sis had her talking device ready at hand and decided to notify the LBC: "There.. is some sort of beast in the canals!" Sis heard the voice of Gnoko saying: "Oh 'eck, again? Take a snap of it Freck, them things are rare!"
In just moments Duck had joined sis near the canal and the Sewer beast. Duck looks at the size of it and states: "Pro'lly bes' get me' gun... keep an eye on it...". While Sis is standing together with the girl that shouted about the beast, two figures appear next to her, it's Gnoko and Vakoth. Gnoko looks at the beast: "Pfft, wi' things like this in t'canals, people wonder why theres a plague". Sis looks worried: "It looks dangerous to me..Will you be careful?" Gnoko served in the Ahn'Qiraj War and told sis: "Ha, this ain't nothin' compared t'them bugs in Tanaris!" Sis nods, thinking back at those moments and shakes it off her while adding: "I'll be taking some pictures, so show me your worth!"
Vakoth seems worried about his new bird companion, the Plague was still spreading back then: "Right... Hakky could get infected..." Gnoko rubs his blades together and Duck has joined them as well again: "Reet lets kill t'fecker?" Gnoko: "Wait! Try an' lure it onto land!" Vakoth goes ahead "Y'ready?" sends his bird in and aims at the beast, while Duck and Gnoko are still going over the battleplan.
Duckular: "Oh dun' try te' be tacical Gnoko... Lets jus' shoot 'im..."
Gnoko: "Righto...shoot t'fecker Duckie!"
Duckular: "Think Vak already did..."
While the beast is making its way through the water up the waterside, Gnoko looks at the beast coming for them "Blimey, tha's a big bugger!" Vakoth understates that: "Hakky Won' last long..." Duck observes the beast: "Yer dun' say Gnoko...Tryin' me' best... left me 'ruddy 'ammer a 'ome though..."
A big fight follows. Vakoth shoots from a distance while Hakky is picking his way into the thick scales. Gnoko and Duckular show their might by hacking and slashing right onto the big sewer.. thing while jumping out of the way, and making other evasive moves to not get caught by the sharp teeth of the beast. After a bloody and gruesome fight, they succeed in slaying the beast: Victory!
They are all excited and look upon the beast with big grins. "Nice job! Okay, Freck, get a picture of us three with it!" Sis hurries closer to the three of them and motions them to take some victory poses. Gnoko, Duckular and Vakoth are all too ready to pose for the camera and throw themselves enthustiastically on the job. Look at them go! Thank you three for a wonderful and exciting evening!